A Writer’s Book of Days by Judy Reeves is one of my most favourite writing books, as it covers so many topics in one book. It is a book of inspiration, writing prompts, self-reflection, and journey. But, I love mostly because it always gets me writing again, no matter what, and always brings me up whenever I’m feeling down about my writing, my writing journey, or my writing goals.
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I found this book in Borders a long time ago, and I’ve kept it with me, ever since, even when I relocated to Australia 12 years ago; actually, it was the only writing book I brought with me from New Zealand. Now, there exists a revised second edition, which I have on Kindle, which provides me with a second set of beautiful inspirational messages and writing prompts.

If you can find a copy of the first edition, I’d definitely recommend grabbing it too, in addition to the latest second edition. This is a lovely book to have in hard copy which you can flick through and get inspiration from.
A Writer’s Book of Days by Judy Reeves
Preferred Place to Buy: Amazon
My Ranking: 10/10
Available in Paperback (Kindle currently unavailable)
Published by New World Library, Revised ed. edition (August 24, 2010)
This is a lovely sized book, which makes ideal reading and flicking through; great for lazing in bed or on the couch when you get the chance.
This book is in my top 5 favourite writing books, along with Natalie Goldberg’s Writing Down the Bones, Robert Mckee’s Story and Larry Brooks’ Story Physics. If you are interested in following up on any of these books, click here to read my short reviews on my list of recommended writing books.
Side Note: [I actually prefer Story Physics over Story Engineering, I believe, because I picked up Story Physics first and only read Story Engineering after, and after reading Larry Brooks’s blog, so it didn’t really provide much more to me. I also really love the practical aspects found in Story Physics.]
The book is broken down by month, so for every day of the year, you have a new writing prompt or exercise to guide you. In between these daily prompts are articles and sections on inspiration and interesting ‘writerly’ facts, advice, and literary lore and legend.
Each month starts with one of Reeves “12 Guidelines for Writing Practice”, with January’s theme being “Keep Writing” and October’s Theme of “Write What Matters”.
Reeves provides a handy “How to Use This Book” section at the start, which helps to guide you in making the most of her valuable book. She talks about how writing practice is just showing up and writing, and making a commitment to write by making appointments with yourself, just like you do for going to the gym, or to the dentists.
Each chapter (or month), has a new article or tip on basically every new page, and the daily writing prompts in coloured text boxes throughout the chapter. Each chapter is filled with motivating words and writing encouragement.
Who is A Writer’s Book of Days For?
This book is a valuable resource for any writer, but especially the beginning or young writer. There is snippet after snippet of inspiration, habits and tips from well-known and prolific authors. I found this book as an amateur writer, and I still love it as much today as I ever did. However, one could debate that I am still an amateur writer…. 🙂
My Rank
My overall rank for this book is actually 10 out of 10. I cannot find anything wrong with this book and I’ve read it cover to cover many times. I would definitely recommend picking up a copy of the paperback version, as it’s a lovely book to flip through and pull random prompts and inspiration from.
I would recommend this book if you are looking for a book of prompts or just a book full of excellent and motivating writing inspiration.
Pick Up Your Copy from Amazon Today
I hope you found this short review informative. If you have your own thoughts or feedback about The Writer’s Book of Days, please leave your comments below and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
Until Next Time, Happy Writing!
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Hi, Erica, I have always wanted to write! Your review of A Writer’s Book of Days has brought that back to me. It looks like the perfect companion and inspiration. It’s almost like the author wrote it as a motivational tool for herself.
All the best with your writing!
Hi EJ,
Thank you for reading my review and I’m so happy that it’s brought you back to writing. It is an excellent book, which really reminds you why you want to write in the first place. You are right! It is like the author wrote it for herself… Which is actually a really good idea for a similar project for myself! Thank you and all the best.
Great review, Erica.
This is an important resource for all new writers. As all writers know too well, there are many times when it’s hard to kick-start your day.
I love this concept and unfortunately, I was not very familiar with it. Thanks for making this resource available to the writing community.
What time of day do you find best for writing?
Do you believe in writing x-number of words per day? Paul
Hi Paul, so many apologies for not getting back to you sooner. I’m glad you liked the review. I like to write in the morning. I find it is my best ‘creative’ time. I know this is so for many people, but many writer’s also like to write in evening. It’s really, what works best for you. Work out when you’re most productive and/or creative, and stick to that time. You can even be scientific about it and try out different times of the day, recording your stats – then see what Actually is best for you.
I did believe in a number of words per day…. but recently… I don’t know. I think the key is consistency. You need to show up day after day and write. If you stick to a word number, then at least you can guarantee having something decently long by the end. I find though, I beat myself up if I don’t make my word counts, and this isn’t good for motivation or my self esteem.
Thanks for reading, Erica
What a beautiful review of these “writer” books! They sound truly inspiring and a must have for every writer. I will add them to my “must have for Christmas” list and then wish (or let my family know!) for them to show up under the tree! Thanks for your informative review.
Thanks for reading and for your comment. This is a great resource for every writer. I’m glad you liked the review. Good luck with your writing, Erica
Hello Erica,
I just by your website today and was very impressed.I did find this article intriguing and was wondering if it is a step by step motivational book? As a beginning writer, I find that I am frequently hit by writer’s block. I know the story I want to tell to my audience but I seem to spend too much time rewriting each scene in my head. Maybe I am just too much of a perfectionist.Will this book help me overcome this issue? Thanks again for this article
Hi Vic, So many apologies for the late reply. It seems I’ve missed a few comments recently. A Writer’s Book of Days will definitely help you overcome any writer’s block you might have, although, it isn’t really such a step-by-step book. I like to open it up randomly and see what I get, or just jump in to the current date, and see what’s there. You might also like a more structured writing book, to help guide you through writing your novel and getting it out. I haven’t reviewed it yet, but I really like Alan Watt’s 90 Day Novel. This one might help you. Thanks for reading, and best of luck with your writing.
Dear Erica,
Thank you so much for this thorough review of my book, A Writer’s Book of Days. I’m delighted that it has served you and your writing for so many years.
Judy Reeves
Hi Judy,
Wow, thank you so much for reading and taking the time to comment. And thank you for writing such an inspirational book, it really has been my trusted friend all these years:)
My Best Regards,
Reeves’ book is phenomenal in that it unlocked my writing and set it free. Since I used both editions dozens of time throughout the years now all I need to do it open it up to any page and the muse enfolds me.
Hi Linda, Thank you for taking the time to comment. I totally agree with you:)
I love this book!!! It’s is hands down my favorite go-to writing book. I have both the 2010 edition and the current edition of Writer’s Book of Days. I actually have two copies of the current version. I keep one at home and one in my backpack. I’ve gifted the 2010 version no less than half a dozen times.
Hi Darla, thank you for reading and your review of the Writer’s Book of Days. I’m so glad I’m not the only one who’s discovered and loves this amazing book! All the best with your writing.
Hi Erica! Your review denotes the name of the your blog. Short but precise.
As a busy person, I never have the luxury to write contents. By the time I have, it’s really hard to keep pounding the keyboard. So if a writer or a wannabe-writer like me wants to write effectively, this book is greatly helpful. We need INSPIRATION to write and which is what I like about the book, snippets of inspiration.
Glad you liked it – thanks for reading!