Do you need some ideas for a short fantasy story? Perhaps you’re filling in time, doing some creative writing work while at home, completing an assignment, or just looking for a new idea to spark your next big or flash fiction short story? Today, I have 30 new fantasy writing ideas, just waiting for your next short fiction writing project.
If you are wanting to write something longer, these prompts can also work, just remember you’ll need more than one or two conflicts for anything longer than a long short story.

30 Prompts Perfect for Short Fantasy Stories:
1. The village was stunned. Orc invasions were not uncommon for their area, but these ones bore colours unlike those of the nearby tribes…
2. Shadow Mirkwood has seen a lot in his time as an elvish private eye. Elvish cities have more of a dark underbelly than you’d expect…
3. It’s not every day you see a dwarf attempting to become a ballet dancer…
4. When I heard the term “cross-species Franchising,” I never would have thought it would have brought me into trying to run a McDonald’s in Mordor.
5. Things have never quite worked out for the gnomish basketball team…
6. The events that led up to this are kinda foggy, but now that you’re staring down a mermaid with a fish hook through her nose, you begin to desire to be anywhere else.
7. You always thought that handling a troop of human boy scouts was tough, but now the scouting program has expanded to dwarves…
8. Why, oh why, did Six Flags hire you to construct an amusement park in the Mines of Moria?
9. Three gnomes have a brilliantly novel idea. They plan to stack up in a trench coat and sneak into an elvish bar! What could possibly go wrong?
10. My driving instructor is a cyclops!
11. An angel and a demon are partnered up in a doubles baking competition…
12. As good as they are at archery, elves handle firearms rather clumsily…
13. What do you get when you set a fire imp loose on the fourth of July? Chaos.
14. Who knew a spider the size of a large dog would make such a great pet?
15. Youtube’s most popular Orc vlogger goes to Comic-Con for the first time…
16. The crazy cat lady down the street just learned your Tabaxi family have moved in…
17. You are assigned to interview an Ent that has recently found work as the CEO of a company and ask him about his methods…
18. That particular Ikea store never did get over the Minotaur Incident…
19. Now General, how does a fairy such as yourself rise to such a venerated position?
20. You and your friend have won tickets to an expensive wizard rave! I wonder what it’s like…
21. Now hopelessly lost, the vampire wonders why he let himself be talked into the house of mirrors in the first place.
22. The new firefighting force is made up almost entirely of water elementals…
23. All great elvish detectives had to start somewhere. I’m Shadow Mirkwood and this is my story.
24. You are tasked with interviewing the president of OSFE: Office Solutions for Fire Elementals.
25. I went to a sushi restaurant run by zombies. Here is my experience…
26. The wedding reception was going so smoothly, then Werewolf Larry forgot to take his anti-transformation meds…
27. The olympic balancing committee has a tough job: how do you design a race for every species?
28. Ivan was starting to regret bringing an Ice golem skiing…
29. Who knew the Halfling mafia could be so dangerous?
30. The federal government is forming a task force to combat the spread of Pixie dust and arrest the perpetrators. As one of the few good pixies, you’re on the job.
I hope you found one or two prompts you liked. I love to know how you got on, and which prompt got you writing? Let me know below and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.
If you liked these prompts and want more, check out my other popular fantasy prompts:
30 Epic Fantasy Writing Prompts
7 Fantasy Writing Prompts To Ignite Your Creativity
And if you want even more – Check out my new 500 Fantasy Writing Prompts ebook – Now Available From Amazon!
Happy Writing,
Prompt no.11,14 and 26 Are on my notebook now. I hope I can use these to make some short story.
Thanks for all the great ideas.
Hi Erica,
I just discovered you from a Pinterest Pin.
Thank you for sharing these intriguing writing prompts. Looking at other peoples creative ideas for a fiction story is very helpful when you have writer’s block.
I think I will have to commandeer, I mean borrow one of these ideas.
Do you write flash fiction stories?
R.G. Ramsey