Writer’s Block? Not Anymore… Discover 500 Inspiring Fantasy Writing Prompts To Beat Writer’s Block Today. Blocked. Frustrated. Out of ideas… It’s every writer’s worst nightmare – and it’s come true. You’re staring at your screen, fingers on the keyboard, ready to plough through a day’s worth of writing, but nothing happens. The words don’t come. The ideas feel stale and are void of any sort of life. What
From The Blog

Do You Need Ideas For Your Fantasy Short Story?
Do you need some ideas for a short fantasy story? Perhaps you’re filling in time, doing some creative writing work while at home, completing an assignment, or just looking for a new idea to spark your next big or flash fiction short story? Today, I have 30 new fantasy writing ideas, just waiting for your next short fiction writing project. If you are wanting to write something longer, these prompts

A Margaret Atwood MasterClass Review
The latest fare of MasterClass (in the writing arena) is Margaret Atwood’s Creative Writing Class. As soon as I saw it I knew I had to have it. In this class, Margaret Atwood will be showing us how she crafts compelling stories, from historical to speculative fiction. We can expect to follow along and learn her creative process for developing ideas into strong standing novels. I haven’t been
Recent Writing Resource Reviews

How To Write A Novel: Step By Step Class with Holly Lisle!
Update: 12th January 2020 – The How to Write a Novel class is currently OPEN – Do you want to write a novel? Have you started over and over again, and never finished? Or do you just think about it and read writing how-to books over and over? I have an answer for you…

Why I Want to Write for James Patterson: A MasterClass Review
Today, I bring you another wonderful article from Australian writer, Thomas Gregory. He’s been taking the James Patterson writing class from MasterClass, and has written me this piece on it. I hope you like it as much as I did. I was a little on the fence about taking the James Patterson MasterClass, but Thomas has convinced me; Patterson has a lot to offer.

How to Write Flash Fiction: A Review of Holly Lisle’s Free Flash Fiction Writing Class
Holly Lisle’s free flash fiction writing class is one of the best free classes I’ve ever taken. In this short writing class, she gives you a method where you can create flash fiction short stories very quickly; over a period of three weeks. The three weeks are broken into the three steps of crafting short fiction. This was my introduction to Holly’s Writing Classes, it was the first